
Showing posts from December, 2024

Bottom-up Eco-Management

 There are many ways to improve the management of marine biodiveristy, and the best solutions are often local. These bottom-up approaches are embedded in local knowledge andhave a unique social and cultural context. Sharing information about local success stories may provide new ideas for management worldwide. (p. 65) Source: Vierros, Marjo, Biliana Cicin-Sain, Salvatore Arico and Christophe Lefebrre. "Preserving Life: Halting Marine Biodiversity Loss and Establishing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in 2010 and Beyond." Pages 55-70 in  Djoghlaf, Ahmed and Felix Dodds (eds.).  Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity: A Planet in Peril . London: Earthscan, 2011. [QH541.15 B56B5683 2011X EARTHSCI] (U. of Toronto, Earth Science Library) 

Cultural Conflicts in Conservation

 Conservation measures do not always respect local cultural norms and social structures, and may not bring direct benefits to communities. In some parts of the world, conservation efforts have often ignored local and traditional knowledge and land/sea tenure systems infavour of a top-down scientific model, resulting in social and cultural losses to coastal communities. (p. 62) Source: Vierros, Marjo, Biliana Cicin-Sain, Salvatore Arico and Christophe Lefebrre. "Preserving Life: Halting Marine Biodiversity Loss and Establishing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in 2010 and Beyond." Pages 55-70 in  Djoghlaf, Ahmed and Felix Dodds (eds.). Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity: A Planet in Peril . London: Earthscan, 2011. [QH541.15 B56B5683 2011X EARTHSCI] (U. of Toronto, Earth Science Library) 

Importance of Reefs

  ... reefs have been shown to generate biodiversity and many species to other marine habitats ... Coral reefs are thus not just ecological attractors of many species, but evolutionary rates are greater than anywhere else in the oceans. Destroying reefs thus means that recovery from the current biodiversity crisis will be delayed in the entire ocean. (p. 47) Source: Kiessling, Wolfgang and George A. Heiss. "Coral Reefs." Pages 45-54 in Djoghlaf, Ahmed and Felix Dodds (eds.). Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity: A Planet in Peril . London: Earthscan, 2011. [QH541.15 B56B5683 2011X EARTHSCI] (U. of Toronto, Earth Science Library) 


  數以千計的不同麗蠅 (blowflies)、肉蠅和水虻 (soldier flies) 免費處理動物屍體、腐爛的葉子和糞便。 (p. 8) Source: Oliver Milman,  The Insect Crisis: The Fall of the Tiny Empires that Run the World . New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2022.


  科學家利用蛆蟲治療壞疽傷口 (gangrenous wounds), 無需使用抗生素 ... (p. 8) Source: Oliver Milman,  The Insect Crisis: The Fall of the Tiny Empires that Run the World . New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2022.


  人們從黑水虻 (black soldier flies) 幼蟲中提取油,並將其轉化為生物柴油,用於汽車和卡車的行駛。 Source: Oliver Milman,  The Insect Crisis: The Fall of the Tiny Empires that Run the World . New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2022.


  黄蜂仿蠅 (Volucella zonaria) 是一種巨大的食蚜蠅, 腹部有大黃蜂般的黑色和黃色環, “基本上是一個飛行坦克” ...... 它能夠進行嗡嗡授粉,這意味著它可以抓住花瓣並劇烈振動, 釋放出花粉,頑固地嵌在植物的花藥中。(p. 8) Moegistorhynchus longirostris (註: 根據其學名和特徵,中文可譯之為長吻蛾蠅) 發現於南非西海岸。 它有一個不可伸縮的長鼻,長 7 厘米 ...... 是其自身長度的幾倍 ,  在飛行時會成為笨拙的揮舞附肢。牠在已經長出管狀花朵的植物周圍飛翔, 這些花完全適合蒼蠅的長長的探針 ...... “僅南非的那隻蒼蠅消失了, 八種植物就會立即滅絕,” 麥卡利斯特 McAlister 說。(pp. 8-9)   Source: Oliver Milman,  The Insect Crisis: The Fall of the Tiny Empires that Run the World . New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2022.


  對某些人來說,蒼蠅甚至被認為是美麗的。 米歇爾·特勞特溫 (Michelle Trautwein) 作為一名藝術學生經歷了一個關鍵時刻,作為工作室評論的一部分, 她展示了一幅巨大的石蠅生物學插圖, 石蠅 (stonefly) 是一種具有細長身體、長觸角和兩對膜質翅膀的昆蟲。(p. 9) Source: Oliver Milman,  The Insect Crisis: The Fall of the Tiny Empires that Run the World . New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2022.