
Showing posts from January, 2025

知識裝備最重要 (Resources)

  要推動人關注和應付氣候轉變,不能單單講論地球將有什麼後果,有多少動物絕種、會產生多少乾旱地或水浸或山火等等。我們還需要有紮實的知識。這是一個長久戰,不能單單以一種危機感 來推動環境保育。這 youtube 介紹了五本書,足可回答氣候轉變五大問題: 1. 地球有多糟? The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells 2. 我們如何知道氣候變化實際上正在發生? The Discovery of Global Warming: Revised and Expanded Edition by Spencer R. Weart 3. 為什麼這麼多人仍然認為氣候變化不是真實的? Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Climate Changeby by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway 4. 人正在如何應付氣候變化,為什麼還不夠呢? This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate by Naomi Klein 5. 我們如何應對氣候變化? Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming Edited by Paul Hawken

Darwin on Chance and Design

My theology is a simple muddle, I cannot look at the universe as the result of blind chance, yet I can see no evidence of beneficent  design, or indeed of design of any kind, in the details. As for each variation that has ever occurred  having been preordained for a special end. I can no more believe in it than that the spot on which each drop of rain falls has been specially ordained. (pp. 19-18) Source: Darwin's Letter of 12 July  1879 to J. D. Hooker, in Charles Darwin, More Letters of Charles Darwin, F. Darwin and A. C. Seward. New York: Appleton, 1903), I:321.  As quoted in pages 19-18 in  Ż yci ń ski, J ó zef. God and Evolution: Fundamental Questions of Christian Evolutionism . Translated by Kenneth W. Kemp and Zuzanna Ma ślanka. Washington: The Catholic University of America, 2006 [BL263.Z9313 2006] (Tyndale Seminary, Toronto)

Nautral Is Not Always Good

Social Darwinism fails because it selects certain kinds of human behaviors - typically competitive behaviors - calls  them natural in an 'evolutionary sense,' and then assumes that because they're natual they must be morally good. But we can see that natural is not always good. (p. 163) Source: Smith, Cameron M. & Charles Sullivan. The Top 10 Myths about Evolution . New York: Prometheus Books, 2007. [QH 366.2 S54 2007X GERSTEIN] (U or T)